At first, watching the recording I felt quite insulted when I heard how he mentioned that people make first impressions in the 8s of seeing you. I do understand how it can be true. We judge people way too quickly. But I felt hurt because I put a lot more work into learning new things, exploring my mind, and throwing anything comfortable on to get to my next work project. It made me defeated and made my work go to waste.
He also showed visual manipulation in how can you make people see what you want them to see. It made me feel a bit dumb and felt like some hypnosis when you see something and can’t see anything else.
I decided I did not like this lecture and had to move on.
But after a week of thinking about it, I might be seeing what he sees. (Or am I? I’m not sure)
By studying visual art I can see how easy it is to make something pretty. How easy it is to hide anything you want and show what you desire. Manipulating reality.
I do that a lot. Putting makeup. I don’t do that often but I now realize that WHEN I put it on is because I’m hiding that I feel insecure that morning. Or want to make a nice impression. I have always heard how I need to “just stand and be pretty”. I got good at that, too good. Maybe that’s why I like working on my mind as well. That might be called balance.