I put a lot of importance on being authentic. However, I also feel like I’m too young and inexperienced in my career to even know what something is authentic for me. I find myself still forming and molding my values and preferences.
This practice was a part of exercises from university, curated to explore ourselves.
I wanted to differentiate between values I want to show through my work and progress and values I feel not connected to.
Words I don’t connect with: Fantasy, Digital, Independence, Money, Wealth, Elite, Excellence, Fame, Power.
Words I feel most connected to Curiosity, Diversity, Quality, Being Humble, Authentic, Freedom, Fun, Creativity, Making change, Subtle, Bold, Honesty, People, Analogue.
Values that need the most improvement: Digital, Teamwork, Courage, Communication.
Choosing the 5 most important values for my brand: Subtle, Bold, Communication, People, Honesty.
I choose the word subtle because this word is associated to subtle details in my mind. Subtle details on a work communicate quality, are time-consuming, deserving of respect.
I chose the word bold because I love being and dressing boldly. I think this word describes me and the brand I'm trying to create. I love using bold colours in my designs, mixing bold and different patterns, being different, creative, playful, curious, fun, and free.
I chose the word honesty because I take a bit of pride in myself for being very honest, which is a value that is difficult to find in media and people.
I chose the word people because everything I do is based on the idea that it will benefit other people.
This exercise was helpful to see how many values there are to choose from. This showed how many different brands you can create and grow.
The exercise also helped me to narrow down my values. This can help me in creating a brand and presenting myself.
The exercise also reminded me how there are values that are very important, which I need to improve.
Narrowing the words to which I connect the most also might shift the search words I use while conducting research. Researching other brands with these values can inspire me and lead as an example.